Rwanda Flag

Rwanda Flag

Monday 15 February 2010

Some photos for you of our schools in Rwanda

Here's one of our class rooms in on of the older buildings. Can you see how dark it is in there? There's no electric lights, and the windows are small, so when it rains, it gets really dark, but we still keep on learning!

Here are some children in the play area of their school. What do you think this big object is between the children and the big pillar at the front of the picture. What do you think it is for?

What plant can you see growing behind the children?

It's maize, or sweetcorn. You probably eat it as popcorn or cornflakes, but these children sell it at the market to help get money for their school. It's roasted and eaten whole, as 'corn on the cob'! Yummy!

Do you think this school is in the countryside or in the town? Is it flat or hilly?

Here's another photo:

Here are some of the new classrooms that the schools have been building during the really long school holidays! A lot of schools have these blue shiny metal roofs, and you can see them from a very long way away in the hills. Can you imagine the noise the rain makes when it falls on the metal roof? It's VERY loud!

Here is a class in a Rwandan school. Can you tell who are the girls and who are the boys? (Clue: the colour of their clothes may help you to tell!).
Can you say good morning to these children?? .....Mwaramutse!

Good morning my friends from Chilcote!
(Here we say "Mwaramutse" to greet each other in the morning - pronounced "Mwara-moot-say"! Can you say it?)

I've been living in Rwanda for a few months. The government decided to make the school holidays here a lot longer, because they are trying to build a lot of new classrooms all over the country, so that more children can go to school. So all the children were on holiday from the end of October until the start of February! Can you imagine that?!! But sadly, it meant that I couldn't visit them as they were all at home helping their parents work in the fields and looking after their little baby brothers and sisters and cleaning the house. Is that what you like to do during the holidays?

Now the children are back in school, for the start of the new school year. They've been back in their classes, and some in their brand new classrooms, for 2 weeks.

So here are some photos that I think you will enjoy, to show you what the schools are like here in Rwanda.

I'll ask the Rwandan children to answer your lovely questions very soon!

Do you have any more questions about life here in Rwanda?


Wednesday 7 October 2009

Our questions from Chilcote Primary School

Hello to our friends in Rwanda!

We are very happy and excited to be your new friends and to learn about your school and life in your country.

We have worked very hard to think of some interesting questions to ask you about your school.

  1. Do you learn about numbers and shapes and numeracy at school?
  2. Where do you play together?
  3. What are the most common names in your school?
  4. What do you enjoy about school the most?
  5. What does your playground look like?
  6. Where do you get your water from to drink?
  7. What sport do you like to play?
  8. What do you like to do for fun outside of school?

Thank you so much for wanting to answer our questions. We are really looking forward to hearing from you.

Do you have any questions to ask us? We would love to answer them.

We hope to hear from you soon

Year One :)

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Monday 31 August 2009

Welcome to your new Blog!

You can use this to write to Libby, who is working Rwanda.

You can ask her questions and tell her about what you are doing in school, and what you have found out about Rwanda.

Libby will write to you and post pictures of her and what she is doing on here too.


Your first challenge is to decide together on 8 questions you would like to ask her.