Rwanda Flag

Rwanda Flag

Monday 15 February 2010

Some photos for you of our schools in Rwanda

Here's one of our class rooms in on of the older buildings. Can you see how dark it is in there? There's no electric lights, and the windows are small, so when it rains, it gets really dark, but we still keep on learning!

Here are some children in the play area of their school. What do you think this big object is between the children and the big pillar at the front of the picture. What do you think it is for?

What plant can you see growing behind the children?

It's maize, or sweetcorn. You probably eat it as popcorn or cornflakes, but these children sell it at the market to help get money for their school. It's roasted and eaten whole, as 'corn on the cob'! Yummy!

Do you think this school is in the countryside or in the town? Is it flat or hilly?

Here's another photo:

Here are some of the new classrooms that the schools have been building during the really long school holidays! A lot of schools have these blue shiny metal roofs, and you can see them from a very long way away in the hills. Can you imagine the noise the rain makes when it falls on the metal roof? It's VERY loud!

Here is a class in a Rwandan school. Can you tell who are the girls and who are the boys? (Clue: the colour of their clothes may help you to tell!).
Can you say good morning to these children?? .....Mwaramutse!

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